
Humor: News from unusual suspects

The Congressional report condemning the CIA and their ill equipped agents has been confirmed up by going back and reading the Help Wanted sections of local newspapers during the 1990s. Oraculations has obtained some CIA recruitment ads that were widely run in the 90s.

Attn H.S. grads. Why go to college? There's big bucks in spying. Jerry's Spy School, Orlando, FL; Call 24 hrs. 800/CIA ask for Bernie.. Gov't loans avail for tuition.

Become attractive to women. Call 900/CIA ask for Bernie

SWF; super model looks with plenty of money seeks young adventurous well equipped male for good times in romantic Middle East. Call 900/CIA ask for Bernice

BiMale seeks young well built stud who likes sun and fun. Call 900/CIA ask for Bern

DWF: Satisfy me. Young Middle Eastern type males make me wet. If you can handle hot nights and even hotter days, Call 900/CIA ask for Bernice

Employment opportunities
Join the exciting world of international espionage. On line training available. www.cia.sp.gov. You will be a secret agent within six weeks.

1 comment:

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