

Is the Media losing THEIR war? Which is the one they declared AGAINST the War in Iraq, our troops, and Bush. I'm beginning to think so. The non-reporting of success, or ignoring failures that turn successful is beginning to seep into the common sense of the population. Today's Journal has an interesting piece on Fallujah. Now the Journal is not "main stream" but they are the loudest voice (highest circulation) outside of the main stream and has impact much like The New York Times. The Journal points out what I said in my piece "Suppose You Didn't Know what Winning Looked Like; an Iraqi solution to an Iraqi problem is in the works and you never stop "negotiating" with an Arab. The incomprehensible incompetence of the "White House" shown by the premature release of a president of Iraq has resulted in another Iraqi Soulution which will work out better for all concerned.

I still say the biggest problem with Iraq is the "White House" (Bush) and their (his staff) near total ineptitude regarding communication skills. And it's BUSH, not a bunch of staff he hires. He either is or ain't the President. Along this line, NRO is reviewing (or hyping) a book out today called The Connection also says that the Bush administration has failed "abysmally" to communicate. This failure is nearly a disaster for our country, and if anyone was running who was an American I'd vote for him in a nano-second.

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