
"Right Wing" FOX is all over Rumsfeld AND Bush for their total confusion over Iraq. Here we can learn plenty from Reagan. Reagan formed his ideas over a period of thirty years before he became president. He really knew Communism, really had solid ideas about lowering taxes and what the 90% tax rate was doing to America. He was fixed. Nothing was going to get him off the target. He had written and formulated his ideas over time.

Bush and everyone else in Washington is not prepared in the least for Islamofacism, terrorism, or any way to deal with it. Once again O'Reilley was all over the "White House" in an interview with Robert Kaplan of Atlantic. Kaplan was also angry. He was "embedded" with the Marines who ended up in Fallujah for eight weeks. He said our Marines are fighting with one hand tied behind their backs in deference to the "confused" politics in Washington. If FOX is going there you can bet your ass that Bush and Rumsfeld are out to lunch here. Kaplan did not argue with the O'Reilley statement that the brass are fed up with Rumsfeld.

After we get Reagan in the ground we will still have this meandering President and his "brilliant" Defense Secretary hoping their seeing eye dogs show up to bail them out. The real problem is that nobody in either party has a clue. The Democrats just want to feed the crocodile. The Republicans want to defeat a hundred million primitive fanatics on the cheap.

We have real problems and I don't see a solution.

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