

Emailer William F. sent me a missive from the fringes of the Left that apparently has currency there. Dated 6/4, the piece is by the Lefty, Alexander Cockburn, and is typical of the crap that is coming out of both extremes in our country these days. The Cockburn site claims twenty million viewers and could be easily titled "Godisapig dot com". Out of deference to all writers, I won't quote his entire piece but you can go there. He says
1. that Bush is insane,
2. that the White House is like Nixon's in the "Last Days"
Then spins a tale of a "Richard III" nightmare, without the limp but with a hump on Bush's back called Christianity and God. A short reminder here that Richard III is a story of pure fiction about the real King Richard that Shakespeare made up to please Queen Elizabeth and get more funding for his theatre. Perhaps Cockburn is seeking funding from King George (Soros)for his theater of the absurd. You can link to the entire pile of puke HERE. The plagiarized source of the attack is Capitol Hill Blue and you can link to the original article. I quote one short paragraph to demonstrate the total absence of sources

"It reminds me of the Nixon days," says a longtime GOP political consultant with contacts in the White House. "Everybody is an enemy; everybody is out to get him. That's the mood over there."
You will note that even the anonymous sources use anonymous sources, a new record. More point:

3 Goes into obscene tirades and calls Democrats enemies of the state.
4. Links Bush to a drunken Nixon and implies that a crazy person has his finger on the nuclear b utton
5. Claims Bush fired Tenet in a fury after Tenet challenged him at a meeting.
6. Claims that Bush calls people "fucking assholes" in front of other staff, and/or "unpatriotic" or "anti-American."

All anonymously sourced. It is becoming very clear that Christianity is the demon to the Left, and you ought to read Cockburn's very short piece to see it. This is a "hit piece" without a single named source. Can internet libel be the coming thing?

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