
TOLE 'JA My post on the Liberal Bias of quotes for 9/11 is here....

Watch for phony quotes, spun facts, and lying about the box office grosses for Fahrenheit 9/11. They have every liberal reviewer lined up, which means everybody is in the tank. It doesn't have very wide distribution here in LA. They can't spin the real box office but they will make claims like "biggest opening for a documentary ever"; "stunning box office for a doc"; "Even Miramax surprised at opening figures"; and on and on and on. Also look for things like "biggest opening in (fill in the blank) theatre ever." This is an old time commie agit-prop movie for the Red Chior. And the Red chior directors are the movie reviewers in the daily newspapers. Will it change even one vote? No.
Today, the film industry flak page, Box office Mojo is saying this:
"Fahrenheit 9/11'" Ignites Box Office Passion. In one weekend, director Michael Moore's latest became the highest grossing op-ed documentary ever and the first ever to hit the No. 1 spot..
See, it's now an "op ed documentary" hitting #1; not even a documentary. Moore lies, the Left industry lies, and the bullshit flies.

BTW: After a solid May, the June box office is down big. I think it is the now ridiculous movie prices. It costs almost $50 to take three kids. Way out of the reach of most people. I think Shrek 2 and Harry Potter ($700 mil) sucked the family incomes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heard the all records for documentaries today on ABC/WLS radio.

Sandy P.