

I did not hear the Kerry speech because I find all these politicians are so boring to listen to that their messages are lost on me. I have read it and broken it down. First, he has a program, he has things he wants to do. He hit on some truths the American public will latch on to and that the Republicans have just sat by and watched happen. Be always mindful that a truth that's told with bad intent, beats all the lies you can invent. Kerry's words are in italics and note how many of his ideas are code words for socialized medicine.

1. There is no doubt that health care is a disaster for some in our society. They have no coverage and can't get any. It is too expensive for small companies to add as a benefit. When Kerry said that We will make sure that senior citizens never have to cut their pills in half because they can't afford life-saving medicine, he struck a chord for many people. When he said that "You don't value families by denying real prescription drug coverage to seniors..." he hit more people. But when he followed up with the statement ....so big drug companies can get another windfall." He was in effect approving nationalizing the drug companies. You have to decide whether nationalizing the drug companies is a good or bad thing.

2. He touched upon some stats that show ....wages are falling, health care costs are rising, and our great middle class is shrinking. People are working weekends; they're working two jobs, three jobs, and they're still not getting ahead. We know health care costs are rising, people are working two and three jobs, and because of health costs, insurance costs, and increased housing costs they have serious problems. Gasoline prices weren't mentioned. This will hit home for many.

3. He will not allow the "privatization" of Social Security. Period. This means that no reductions in the amount of money taken from us each month to put into the system will be changed. We will be forced to continue contributing to Social Security in spite of the fact that no government employees anywhere contribute a single dime into the system. He will not even allow the 2% contribution to investment instead. We need to decide if this is what we want.

4. Jobs are being exported to other countries, this is fact.

5.Many people are fearful of losing their health coverages and stay in jobs while sick, too old, or partially handicapped only for the purpose of saving their families from having no doctor to go to. They work solely for their job health benefits .

6. Executives and corporations have been looting their pension plans for years and leaving workers with nothing after they have worked for twenty years contributing to their retirement plans. He says that is over. A potent issue.

7. He mentioned that many of our troops ....had defective or lousy body armor and that families and friends had to take up a collection to buy body armor for a son or daughter in the service. He didn't mention the lack of armor beneath the Humvees that has caused the deaths of hundreds of our soldiers. He "touched" on the horrible VA care without saying more.

8. He will get all the money to pay for this from individuals who earn more than $200,000 per year, presumably by confiscating their surplus income from the 1% of the population earning more than $200,000. To counterpoint here keep in mind that fifty percent of the population earns 86.19% of the income in the United States. The bottom half earns thirteen percent of the income and are not Federally taxed right now. The top ten percent of the population earns 46% of all the money earned. Stats tell us that there are 130 million wage earners in the U.S. One percent of that is not 130 as some of you educated in the public schools may calculate, but 1.3 million. Taking ALL the income away from 1.3 million comes to what? Two hundred sixty billion. So since that won't solve everything we are going to have to drop down a percentage point or two, to the top 90% which are those earning more than $93,000 per. Now we are getting somewhere. If we take all the money over $93,000 per year the problem is solved. Fifty percent of wage earners pay 96% of the taxes and it is just a question of how far down from the "top" Kerry and the class war Democrats intend to go. Making the rich pay through the nose is a very attractive political device as everyone knows, and could work. THIS WILL BE A MAJOR CAMPAIGN DEBATE.

9. He will abolish the tax cuts and claim he's not raising taxes.

10. ...... close the tax loopholes that reward companies for shipping our jobs overseas. Instead, we will reward companies that create and keep good paying jobs where they belong – in the good old U.S.A. This will be a major campaign theme and will work......We value an America that exports products, not jobs – and we believe American workers should never have to subsidize the loss of their own job. A huge issue in the rust belt...

Now the code words:

My fellow Americans: we are here tonight united in one simple purpose: to make America stronger at home and respected in the world. This means whatever you want it to mean, kissing ass with the EU robber barons, withdrawing from Iraq, keeping our troops in Germany and spending the savings at home???

(....my sweet mommy) taught me to see trees as the cathedrals of nature. And by the power of her example, she showed me that we can and must finish the march toward full equality for all women in our country More environmental "takings" of private property, removal of timber jobs, and a quota system for every job not demanding physical labor. More employment for government workers and more lawsuits for Edward's pals. As a young prosecutor, I fought for victim's rights and made prosecuting violence against women a priority... Could mean a Secretary for Women's Rights....

As President, I will restore trust and credibility to the White House.... Bush is a liar and not to be trusted by France and Germany......

He says he was for a balanced budget during Clinton and I fought to put a 100,000 cops on the street.... Notice he says he fought for, not that he actually put any on the street.

I will be a commander in chief who will never mislead us into war Bush lied. I will have a Vice President who will not conduct secret meetings with polluters to rewrite our environmental laws. Bush is responsible for Enron and for air pollution. I will have a Secretary of Defense who will listen to the best advice of our military leaders. All the best generals told Rumsfeld not to go to war and he will have signed statements from many of them. And I will appoint an Attorney General who actually upholds the Constitution of the United States. Without any proof (none is ever needed) he accuses Ashcroft of violating the Constitution.

Saying there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq doesn't make it so. Saying we can fight a war on the cheap doesn't make it so. And proclaiming mission accomplished certainly doesn't make it so. Hot air for the Hate Bush crowd.....

I will immediately reform the intelligence system – so policy is guided by facts, and facts are never distorted by politics. Not a micron of data about what he will do. If he means appointing a Tsar he may get nowhere, and he didn't discuss the 9-11 report at all. Again, hot air for the sound byte contingent.

.....the United States of America never goes to war because we want to, we only go to war because we have to It all depends on what "have to" means. .

Before you go to battle, you have to be able to look a parent in the eye and truthfully say: "I tried everything possible to avoid sending your son or daughter into harm's way. But we had no choice. We had to protect the American people, fundamental American values from a threat that was real and imminent." So lesson one, this is the only justification for going to war. So only "imminent threat" will send him to war and it all depends on what imminent means.

I know what we have to do in Iraq. Like what, John?" We need a President who has the credibility to bring our allies to our side and share the burden, reduce the cost to American taxpayers, and reduce the risk to American soldiers. That's the right way to get the job done and bring our troops home. The allies he is talking about are the EU oil criminals and he seems to be saying he'll cut and run in Iraq. Or is he? We won't lift a finger anywhere unless France and Germany approve.

Here is the reality: that won't happen until we have a president who restores America's respect and leadership -- so we don't have to go it alone in the world. And we need to rebuild our alliances, so we can get the terrorists before they get us. He's hinting he's Bush but we know he isn't.

I will never hesitate to use force when it is required. Any attack will be met with a swift and certain response. I will never give any nation or international institution a veto over our national security After the A-bombs go off he will do something. If our Allies say OK.

And I will build a stronger American military. We will add 40,000 active duty troops – not in Iraq, but to strengthen American forces that are now overstretched, overextended, and under pressure. We will double our special forces to conduct anti-terrorist operations. We will provide our troops with the newest weapons and technology to save their lives – and win the battle. And we will end the backdoor draft of National Guard and reservists. I guess it will be paid for by seizing tax dollars down to the 80% level.

We need to lead a global effort against nuclear proliferation – to keep the most dangerous weapons in the world out of the most dangerous hands in the world Right! The Europussies have just shown how to deal with it in Iran. The formula for doom. Ours.

Then a broadside about searching all shipping, all rail transport, etc. at a cost that will be paid for by lowering the rich threshold to the top 75%.

We believe in the value of doing what's right for everyone in the American family. Don't worry, the government will decide what is "right" for us.

So here is our economic plan to build a stronger America: First, new incentives to revitalize manufacturing. China can build a precision lathe for 1/3 the cost so that will be made up by subsidizing our lathe manufacturers. The rich drop to around the top 60%.

Second, investment in technology and innovation that will create the good-paying jobs of the future. No mention that tech costs jobs in manufacturing and that investment in high tech is going along like gangbusters.

Next, we will trade and compete in the world. But our plan calls for a fair playing field – because if you give the American worker a fair playing field, there's nobody in the world the American worker can't compete against. Total code words. Like we are going into places like the terror filled SE Asia and tell them we won't buy anything; tell India to shape up; tell China to shape up? Total BS for the Union Vote.

Lastly the tax busters of all time, virtually guaranteeing that the rich will be defined as everyone making more than $20,000 per year and panders to the Teachers Unions.Our education plan for a stronger America sets high standards and demands accountability from parents, teachers, and schools. It provides for smaller class sizes and treats teachers like the professionals they are. And it gives a tax credit to families for each and every year of college. According to the latest census figures there are 16 million college students. That's 16,000,000 times how many thousand in tax credits? Even a thousand dollars per is sixteen billion. Bet the tax credit each year will be more than that because a thousand dollars is "chump change." It will be more like $5,000 per which brings it to eighty billion or so. Then blacks will demand full tuition payments because of their slavery scars, Hispanics because they tore their rotator cuffs swimming the Rio Grande, and we're off to the race wars.

Figure this: the Democratic party as a party want out of Iraq. They want to cut and run right now, unless they give the French the Iraqi oil and pull the rats in with us. The other cutting edge issue is socialized medicine including drugs. The delegates didn't believe a word of the building of our armed forces bit and won't vote for it. They may actually reduce the horrible military along with castrating the CIA with a czar. They will not support new weapons programs. Sunday add Saw a few hand scrawled signs on apartment doors and one home door, and here's a quote that summarizes what they say: "Bring our Brother Home" there is a picture in the center of a young kid in a camoflage uniform and under the picture it says, "Vote for Kerry/Edwards." Potent stuff because it's written by them and from the heart.

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