

I think a certain widely read college prof and blogger just isn't too bright; another one who thinks Arbitrage is the Prime Minister of France. A week after touting the economic illiterate, Virginia Postrel, for "discovering productivity increases", something that has been on every financial page for twenty years, the dope now touts another person who has "discovered" the data that's published every week in all the financial papers in the world, even Pravda. I think he has outlived his usefulness. I posted on Postrel HERE I believe there is no worse "service" done to people than tout financial morons. Again, have a system, pay no attention to the news (which is always in the market before it was ever printed), and pay no attention to financial slugs like Reynolds; you could lose a lot of money you can't afford to lose. The only thing worse than current news is old news. Really old news is, well just really old.

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