

You can bet these guys ain't democrats. Nor are they just local families protecting the neighborhood from criminals. They are not Hamilton, Jefferson, and Franklyn articulating a bright new day. Justice has little or nothing to do with this activity. What they really want is power in the usual power/challenge dialectic in that area. These are the usual thugs under a different guise, a way to get "the army" on their side; the "army" in this case is the U.S. Army. History of the area also tells us that these guys are as interested in settling old personal and tribal scores as anything else.

"Mistakes" of killing innocents will be traced back to historical revenge dating back a thousand or so years. I don't for a minute believe that these vigilante groups indicate anything other than a failure of law enforcement and security. This is not a good sign. THEY will be the new tyranny if not stopped.

An added observation: "the army" could well be Iran or Syria. There is no mistake that both are sending in people and money to Saddr. If anybody is backed to the hilt by Iran it will be real trouble, as if it isn't already.

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