

It can no longer be ignored. The avalanche of hate websites and the hateful signs at demonstrations give a feeling of belonging to a wonderful cause to the loner who commits such an act. Lincoln was killed as part of a larger plot to kill cabinet members by three Confederate whack jobs who felt they were supporting a larger cause. McKinley was assassinated by a lone anarchist who was influenced by the larger cause. Garfield was killed by a pissed off lawyer, and Kennedy was most probably killed by a lone gunman who may have thought he was part of a larger cause.

We know that the loner wants to belong somewhere and the hate sites such as those laid out HERE certainly let potential assassins know that a warm spot awaits the murderer; that a hero's welcome awaits the killer.

I've received about 100 emails over the past three weeks from lots of you who think the talk of violence will result in the death of our president.

It has to be said.

BTW, Harding was probably poisoned by his wife who was pissed off at his constant affairs but it was never proven because she prevented an autopsy.

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