

The Comintern at Yale University has not prevented some honest studies. Some have presented a study exposing the libral bias of the media in a whole new light. This link is to an HTML version because I hate Acrobat with every fibre of my being. It starts: "The editors in Los Angeles killed the story. They told Witcover that it didn't ‘come off' and that it was an ‘opinion' story. …The solution was simple, they told him. All he had to do was get other people to make the same points and draw the same conclusions and then write the article in their words." Go HERE for PDF. Reynolds has linked too. Their conclusion:

Conclusion: Although we expected to find that most media lean left, we were astounded by the
degree. A norm among journalists is to present “both sides of the issue.” Consequently,while we expected members of Congress to cite primarily think tanks that are on the
same side of the ideological spectrum as they are, we expected journalists to practice a much more balanced citation practice, even if the journalist’s own ideology opposed the think tanks that he or she is sometimes citing. This was not always the case. Most of the
mainstream media outlets that we examined (ie all those besides Drudge Report and Fox News’ Special Report) were closer to the average Democrat in Congress than they were
to the median member of the House. Our results contrast strongly with the prior expectations of many others. It is easy to find quotes from prominent journalists and academics who claim that there is no systematic bias among media outlets in the U.S.
To summarize further, Only USA Today and CBS Evening News are further Left than the New York Times and Los Angeles Times in many categories; Only Tom Daschle and Ted Kennedy are further to the Left than any publication they looked at. Interestingly they allow for Drudge to be further left as an abberration because he links to press sites and they point out that citing Rand is actually citing a Left "think tank" because almost all the conservatives work on the secret and top secret military side and can't be quoted; quoting RAND might seem conservative but it is the opposite. The degree with which the New York Times slants the news is really shocking. By a 9-2 margin they site Liberal "think tanks" over conservative ones in order to "prove" a fake story. The PDF link is worth reading if you have the time.

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