
All the latest terrorist arrests are phony! That is the unanimous view of the Democratic Left at one of my work places. The more I talk with liberals the more I realize that nothing will ever change their minds. The "War on Terror" is a fake, the arrests in Albany were entrapment of innocents, and the terrorists in general are an Israili problem. Polarization? Naw.

Sports bitch of the week month is here

Sadr must be given synthesis. Kill him.

Kerry and Combodia. As a guy who was in many places because I just was on board, I guarantee you that nobody ever KNOWS where the fuck they are in the Military. This would be just another zero mistake except Kerry has made both his service and what he did while in Vietnam the centerpiece of his campaign. He wasn't a general. He was a fucking Lt. who went "up river" and who knows where he was? How the hell can anyone tell exactly where he was? This should not be a subject of campaign "debate" but Kerry has only himself to blame. And did you catch his snotty wife at the Grand Canyon? It's like she can't stand him.

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