
Michael Ledeen asks: So what ever happened to the Bush doctrine, anyway? And, doctrine or no doctrine, will the Western world really wait until Iran has the atomic bomb before doing anything? Ledeen assumes Bush ever had a doctrine or a plan or a clue about the society we attacked.

It brings back a very unpleasant memory. Back in the mid-Eighties a Lebanese Christian leader stuck his head out of a trench and said "the Western world should either support us, or change its name." It's HERE on NRO if you haven't read it. He quotes my bud, "hammorabi."

On the other hand my favorite writer around, Victor Davis Hanson, has this to say:

one can argue that it's striking that after a mere three years the United States has liberated 50 million and implemented democratic reform in place of what were the two most fascistic governments in the world — all without another 9/11 mass murder.
It's another terrific piece.

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