
Notes on a Zig Zag paper: The terror arrests in New York at a mosque is a new development which only means that no more terrorist activity will be planned or carried out within mosques in the U.S. (see next post). They will simply meet and plan somewhere else.

EVERYONE at work is now talking NFL. Nobody is talking politics. Computers were accessing NFL sked instead of porn. It's that time of year. John who?

Moveon.org AKA George Soros and his $15bil is responsible for launching the Springsteen agit-prop tour. Never in my lifetime have we seen this. You'd have to go back to the 1930s depression to see the so-called arts politicized to the same extent. Kerry is now being trashed mercilessly by the appearance of the Tommy Franks book (supposedly really good) and the TV ad by the Viet Nam Vets. I don't think there was a time in my drug filled youth when I ever thought my pop idols knew jack shit about politics. I just screwed to their music. I doubt if times have changed. "I'm voting for Kerry because Bruce told me to," just doesn't reverb with me. Neither does "Kerry the Chickenshit." I think our task is to filter out the bullshit and focus on the issues. Whatever they are????. We knew the Bush is Hitler ads would breed response and now it's happening.

Oil prices came down slightly. Keep in mind that while the Saudis are adding only 2% to their production that in the supply/demand equation 2% is huge. The Financial Times does its usual shoddy job this AM. As I've said many times, that paper is simply the mouth organ for Brit financial interests. Believe nothing you read there without checking it out.

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