
Every setback in Iraq and Afghanistan is viewed by the media as a "defeat for the Bush Administration" and every success is viewed as "positive for the Bush Administration. Nowhere is it good or bad for America. That is bias and I include FOX. The facts as presented mean that the Democrats want Bush, America, and mid-east democracy to lose. The Left wants Islamofascist states, which is what we will have if Democracy fails..

The penultimate Rathergate commentary is by Victor David Hanson and just read it. The 60s generation if finally about to implode along with their phony moral superiority, Columbia Journalism opinions as news, and their lying. My only question is will it be replaced by worse? My betting is worse, because the university system is spewing out hard core leftists by the thousands and to the hard core anything that advances the revolution is OK. Then there is this penultimate article (link courtesy of Simon) steeped in the history of CBS news fabrications and destructive journalism that is a must read this weekend. CBS has a history of outlaw journalism that may surprise you.

Hollywood Left paying the price at the box office? Check the grosses. Here in LA the grosses are so bad that "9-11" is being released again, as is Manchurian Candidate (both hard left movies), and at least four other summer bombs. The biggest hit movie does $400 per theatre. The lowest does $32. You have to know the Left is shitting in their Ferraris. Does anybody know story anymore? Watch the ancient Gunsmoke episodes before PC and you will see tight story telling. When these dopes think Kim Bassinger is a bankable movie star you know that the drugs are running out.

The I'm a Big Movie Star and I know What's Best for You crowd is not the only Islamofascist sympathizers missing from the Kerry campaign. Where is Hillary? Bill? My guess is they are standing aside hoping for the implosion of the hard core left so Hillary can step in and "save the party."

Get ready for the $30,000 Toyota. The California elite Left has now made it impossible for the poor to own a car. They have imposed a Kyoto smog standard on all cars. Great for the $150,000 per car crowd, not so great for the $12,000 guys. These regs, supported by the LA Times and all the rest of the California Left, will add nearly $4,000 to the price of a car; a 33% hike for the poor and a .02 percent hike for the rich. And the Liberals complain about the Bush taxes?

Cynthia Dixon is a dyke, no surprise to anyone who watched Sex in the City two times. To me she was totally unbelievable. I always thought all those 40 something sluts who are immune to AIDS, Herpes, and other pedestrian STDs were never anything but elite fakes. And anyone under the age of 45 who wanted to do anything more than a one night stand with any of them had to be a little on the suspicious side. "Hey honey, let's get married so we can do a threesome in front of the kids."

Does anyone believe the "New and Improved" John Kerry? He's going to be tougher on terror? How? What actual step by step program will he enact? Close the border(s)? Sure. Repeal the Patriot Act like the ACLU wants? Maybe he'll make it illegal to kill people. Oh, I forgot. He'll go to the UN. What a jerk. BTW: Kerry is the perfect clone for the principal character in a very old Robert Redford movie called "The Candidate," the only really good movie about politics ever made. The Redford character is taken over by professional handlers when it looks like he's blowing the election and they just feed him lines and speeches. In the end he wins and the last line in the movie is "What do I do now?" Rent it.

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