
Lucy Ramirez did it.... The always reliable Bill Burkett reveals that this 75 year old Black Puerto Rican lesbian single mom gave him the memos. This covers all minority groups and he says he would never have taken the notes if offered by some white guy. Lucy fucking Ramirez????? And he met her at a "livestock" show? Is that another term for "meet market?" Oh, we're sure to find her. I just checked the LA White pages and there must be 250 Ramirezes in it; I'll bet there are ten thousand of them in the Southwest. While all us Right Wing pricks would dearly love to pin this thing on the DNC I really doubt it will end up there. First, since this is a Liberal scandal to be "covered" by the Liberal Media they aren't likely to put any resources behind an investigation as they did Watergate. Second, the GOP villains in the Watergate affair were sloppy and since this was the first real dirty trick pulled in the modern era they didn't know how to do it while covering their asses. The Democrats know. If this story is broken it will be by the checkbook journalists at the National Enquirer or Globe, not by anyone in the "let's pretend we're interested" MSM. Make no mistake, the MSM wants this story to go away. They will do everything they can to soften it.

MEMOGATE WAS AN ATTEMPT TO RIG THE ELECTION THROUGH FRAUD and who would benefit from the fraud? The Communists? Would it give Ralph Nader 4% instead of 3%? I look for CBS to find that Karl Rove and Laura Bush cooked this thing up while they were screwing in the Lincoln Bedroom. Oh well, I'm glad this is helping Bush. I also think the Bushies have played this whole National Guard thing well. They are sitting on a straight flush of Air National Guard docs they haven't released yet while pretending they are furious at the Pentagon for "finding" documents once a week.

Lesson for all of us: this is what happens when we are motivated purely by hate. Check out the Drudge link to Michael Moore's rambling tirade. All he offers is "get Bush". Not one positive idea. As a side dish, do we really want Terezah as First Bitch? Can you hear her going off on some foreign leader who dared insult her?

Let's gangbang Mary Mapes the CBS "producer" who supposedly broke the memo story she had been on for five years. I have an anonymous source in Dallas who told me about Mapes the first day this broke. He told me then that she was known in Dallas as a first rate producer and a piece of shit as a person (a hard core feminist, meaning a lesbian). Keep in mind that all of us MCPs hate feminists and spend most of our lives staying away from them, but she is known for her naked aggression. There is nothing she won't do, nobody she would arrange a piece of ass for, to get an interview. Rather has another woman producer who is a near incompetent too. All these powerhouse show biz and business guys seem to have female "assistants" who will do what they are told with a singularity of purpose. Mapes will take a major fall for this and most probably will never work at CBS again but Nation or some other Left rag will hire her. Mapes had her fifteen minutes when Abu Grahaib fell into her lap, rumor has it from the DNC, and then wanted more. She got careless, but she gave Rather and CBS (Dem biggies Redstone and Karmizan) what they wanted to hear. Mapes is one of thousands of barely qualified women who worm their way into positions next to power. Don't fall for the line. It goes much higher and wider than her.
The terrible Emmy ratings: I'd like to think that all of us boycotted them because we hate the phony Hollywood Left and their endless moral lectures, but it's probably that everyone is just plain bored.

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