
Mort Zuckerman is the Chairman and Publisher of the (New York) Daily News, editor-in-Chief of U.S. News and World Report, and a major contributor to Jewish World Review; he is a liberal---as opposed to a Leftist -- so when he takes apart the Duelfur Report, we need to pay some attention. He mentions the "dark side" of the report, the the side that the MSM ignores.

1. The report states that Saddam wanted to re-create Iraq's banned weapons programs, including nuclear weapons.

2. He was also committed to developing ballistic missiles and tactical chemical weapons when the U.N. sanctions were either lifted or corroded.

3. He kept the industrial equipment to help restart these programs. He increased military spending by 40 times, and his technical military research 80-fold. Saddam's scientists were performing deadly experiments on human guinea pigs in secret labs under the noses of UN inspectors.

4. The MSM has ignored a key segment of the report: "Iraq would have been able to produce mustard agents in a period of months and nerve agent in less than a year or two."

5. Saddam, retained the scientists and other technicians "needed to restart a potential biological weapons program" ....

6. ....and he "intended to reconstitute long-range delivery systems [that is, missiles] and . . . the systems potentially were for WMD."

Zuckerman adds that the conclusions in the report were based on interviews with Saddam Hussein, his closest advisers, and his weapons scientists, along with the kind of industrial equipment the Iraqi government imported and maintained.

The entire column is worth a read. Once again I must comment on the complete inability of the Bush gang to articulate what is actually in the report. The man is simply not capable of articulating anything. That's who he is too.

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