

More debate comment from my wide circle of friends, acquaintances, customers, and family. Very interesting in that younger couples with family, homework, feeding babies, and so on either didn't watch the debate or only caught part of it. Some younger people taped it for watching later. All Republicans are really upset with the performance of Bush and are depressed. Kerry partisans (not the nutcase 40%) are not that elated because many recognize that Iraq is important and Kerry "doesn't have a clue." I get the feeling that Bush's sorry presentation cannot be overcome. Iraq and the middle east is the most pressing issue of our time and Bush flat blew it. Many wished for Tony Blair. If Kerry wins it is all over, but how can we expect the man we saw opposing Kerry last Thursday night to lead anyone anywhere? I think this could be a tragedy for the country. Bush owes all of America more, but as I have pointed out ad nauseam on this site, Bush is the least articulate politician we may have ever had in the presidency. At least in my lifetime. The few people who thought Bush "won" are those with deeply held views about the Iraq war and Islamofascism. I'm depressed too. I'm glad that I can go to the USC-Cal game and my choice of playoff games so I don't have to think about it. Did Kerry cheat? Who gives a fuck? It doesn't change the lethargic Bush appearance.

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