

The funny thing is that privatization would result in socialism almost over night.

At the heart of this current scare is this; if the people who are smart enough to use 2.5% of their Social Security to invest it over time that money won't be available to those who are either to dumb or too risk averse to do the same. Further, the profits from the 2-1/2 percent invested will also remain out of the system. (This assumes the private investments will actually yield a profit over time.) The Social Security "fund" will be reduced by 2.5% of the six hundred billion dollars in the "trust fund." This would mean that---in their thinking---if $15 billion is removed or not donated it means the fund has been "robbed" of $15 billion. Put another way, it means that the risk averse and the stupid will have less available from forced contributions than would have been available to them if everything stayed the same. And don't forget the envy. Envy at the people who end up with more money.

However if the entire current six hundred billion in the fund was invested by the government into the private sector the impact on stock and bond markets would be horrendous and nobody anywhere knows what that impact might be. One of the sure results is that the government would control the stock and bond markets. This type of privitization would result in socialism almost immediately.

The real debate is the unspoken one. The smart people will end up with more money than the dopes and since there are far more dopes than anything else and all the dopes vote it means this debate will be dominated by those who just want to lay around and draw "their" money safely.

So all the Democrats have to do is slog around the old farts homes in Florida, California, Arizona an the like and scare a bunch of old failures into voting to save their very short term futures. This issue is a non-starter for Republicans and privatizing Social Security will never happen, no matter how good it "might be." BTW if everyone had the "right" to invest 2.5% of their SS, the stock scammers would be on the phones faster than you can say "stick em up." There is no way that most people won't be robbed of their 2.5% by the criminal horde of "investment" experts.

Me thinks Kerry has nothing to say so he has chosen this road.

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