
Heresy from a GOPer: The stock market is set to explode no matter who wins. This is because the uncertainty will be removed. The negative would be if the GOP loses Congress. Kerry will advocate taxes that a GOP Congress will never pass, he will tax investment that the Congress will not pass, and he will advocate certain labor issues that Congress will bottle up in committee. Question is will the stock market continue to surge under a Kerry presidency that will tax investment?

He is almost certain to sell out Israel to anti-Semitic France, create "quagmire" conditions so he can cut and run from Iraq, and change the "war on terror" to one in which Europe slowly but surely becomes Islam through immigration rather than terror.

George Soros will have far too much to say about the direction of the country; the Supreme Court will go to Liberals (abortion, rights for criminals, and power to organized labor); and the looney left will desert Kerry within six months.

The country will be changed for a century. Hope you will all vote.

MY CALL: Bush 53-47; GOP picks up six house and two Senate seats. If I'm wrong I'm moving to Tahiti. and vote absentee.

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