
Notes on a Zig Zag paper:

LA/Long Beach harbors are stacked with ships three deep waiting to unload. Can't remember action like this. No rail cars available to ship so trucks are doing the transportation. Economy is exploding.

Gasoline prices are down no more than a nickel around here while futures prices are down twenty five cents.

It's hard for me to watch an NBA game anymore knowing that none of those teams can beat Latvia or Estonia.

Three Great teams in the NCAA: SC, Auburn, and Oklahoma. Too bad there is no playoff system.

They're now calling themselves "sex workers" instead of whores and they are complaining about their customers. In where else? San Francesspool where these scumbags are having an "Erotic Health Day." Like stop fucking for money and get a real job.

Now something very nice: Want to help soldiers wounded pretty badly in Iraq, Afghanastan, and other places? Go HERE for Marines and HERE for Army. Links courtesy of Blackfive.

Blackfive is also running open comments about the firing of a Lt. Colonel Kahn that are very disturbing. Reading all the comments it could be a PC firing, retribution by senior officers, or a justified removal of an abusive but heroic, officer.

The death of Iris Chang
is very sad. If you haven't read her book, "The Rape of Nanking" it should be on your must read list. Many writers can only write if seriously depressed (Bukowski, Poe, Stevenson, etc., etc.) and I guess she was too depressed to continue. Too bad, but she has left a legacy.