
Notes on a Zig Zag paper:Blogger is almost as slow with a power house computer as it is with my old one. A real pain in the ass.

Weekend Warriors pissing and moaning again: so the guys who basically were just pretending to be soldiers a couple of weekends a month while getting paid for it, are crying once they have to actually do something. Don't bother with the link, just trust me.

You owe yourselves a present. Go HERE for freeware that will save your computer from spyware, trojan horses and so on. The tip from the Los Angeles Times. Great site and you'll bookmark it for sure. A truly great site. BTW on the first swipe on a brand new computer it discovered five spies and the source was Drudge, or at least his subsite called Tribal Fusion.

Add to above: There is also a patch for IE that allows it to run like Mozilla, with tabs etc. I have tried to use Firefox and I join with roughly 40,000 complainers so far, that find it impossible. No help, nobody to contact, and full of bugs. Be sure you check out their forums before you download that turkey.


Anonymous said...

Hey, you got comments now!!

Try the Avant Browser, it runs great, and it has tabs, and something called "groups"- very handy.

Went to that freeware site. Same old crap you see everywhere else, same old BS about virus's.

VIRUS SCANNERS ARE USELESS. If they were so great, how come they all say "can scan 17 million billion virus's"? If they worked, YOU WOULND'T GET ANY VIRUS'S!! Biggest scam goin yet!!

ALL scanners, have a flaw..they can only see the problem once you HAVE IT. And what the hell good is that? Not only that, but there is a new breed of virus, called a rootkit, that takes over Windows itself and makes itself invisible to any scanner.

What you want is called a PROCESS GUARD. It dosen't scan anything. Instead, it takes note of all the programs running on your computer, and if a new program trys to run without your permisssion, IT KILLS IT, before it can infect your computer. Why haven't you heard of this before now? Because the scanner company thieves have a vested interest in keeping your computer infected. Process guards kill virus's, no scanning needed anymore. No more yachts for Symantic execs.

How to run a clean comp: make sure it's good. Download the one scanner I do use, F-PROT (it's the only one that can detect rootkits) and check your system. I use it to make sure my process guard is really working, and for a year now, NO VIRUS'S AT ALL. F-PROT is good because it runs in DOS, therefore any rootkits cannot hide, since they use the Windows OS to hide with, and Windows is not running in DOS.

Then get a program called WinPatrol. Always run it. It's very user friendly. Another one, called WinSonar, is excellent, but not easy to use, needs work. Run a firewall. You will never need another scanner, ever.

Both my home and my work machine have no problems at all, for a year now. Norton can kiss my ass.


Anonymous said...

[ What you want is called a PROCESS GUARD. It dosen't scan anything. Instead, it takes note of all the programs running on your computer, and if a new program trys to run without your permisssion, IT KILLS IT, before it can infect your computer. Why haven't you heard of this before now? Because the scanner company thieves have a vested interest in keeping your computer infected. ... ]


X-I-o-Dingaling, you sell this Porcess Guard, doncha?

Innernut is fulla people puffing their super duper shareware. Just like guys touting stocks, gold, naqtural herbal Viagra, and so on.

-- david.davenport@netzero.com

P.S. One new rumor has it that Mr. Softie is putting something in Windows XP automatic updates that makes all dialup connections bug-y except for msn.com dialup ISP service.

Have you guys heard anything about that?