
Bombshell or just a fart in a windstorm? Alberto Gonzales, Dubya's appointed AG may be a member of one of the most racist groups in America, La Raza, and if he is he is out out out. I have posted many times on this site about MEChA and the assorted anti-Semitic, anti-American, and anti-freedom groups under various "Hispanic" flags. La Shawn Barber has a detailed account together with link after link. Make no mistake, La Raza is racist as Hamas. I never accept one source so I'm checking this out. So should you. I've blogrolled her. Tip to La Shawn from Bad Hair Day. She also points out on her main page that the new AG, if he's La Raza, will have as a top priority open border with Mexico. Read her Home Page one time and you'll be addicted. One point: both she and Malkin are on this immigration big time, and it is well to consider that Mexican immigration threatens Black jobs while reading both of them. Both Malkin and La Shawn are top talents. Top.

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