

This will be marked in history as the year the infant Jesus became a threat to the human race, or at the very least a threat to a large part of the American Left. Some of us don’t care. Most of us wonder WTF? Jesus is a threat? Still? Always remember that Jesus has been a threat since the day he was born. It’s the God thing. You know, that superior prick up in the sky someplace who knows everything. Everything we think, every lie we tell, every crooked thing we do. If only we could get rid of the SOB then we could do anything we want without somebody sticking their nose into our business and “judging” us. Telling us we’re bad just because we ripped off a little extra pussy on the side when the wife was out of town.

See it’s this fucking God thing we need to get rid of, not the baby Jesus. But with all these God people running around claiming Jesus is the son of God, well somebody has to start somewhere. See, God is a threat because if he really exists a lot of us are in deep shit. Cause the MF knows. And if there is anything we can’t stand it’s some nosy prick sticking His nose into our private business. I mean if I want to fuck a twelve year old, who the fuck is anybody to tell me it’s wrong? If I am desperate for a little folding stuff and I have to fudge a little in my business to get it, I certainly don’t want some prick I don’t even know spying on me; it’s a violation of the Constitution; of my Goddam rights. Get a fucking search warrant, God.

God is violating my Rights and I have the right to get rid of Him if I wanna.

But it’s a tough deal. I can’t do it alone. All them Christian assholes singing and chanting slogans and reading from that book make me think. Make me feel like I’m guilty of something. So I got to find friends who also don’t want some dork----who hangs out in Heaven for Chriss sakes---; some dork with a robe and a beard who’s never had a piece of ass in his life; some nutcake whose mother was a virgin telling me what to do. I mean—can you believe it—some loser with a virgin for a mother will spy on us from on High and tell us what to do? So, if we can eliminate every reference to God in every public place we will free ourselves from any guilt for doing things a mob of virgin loving assholes don’t approve of.

If we can kill God we can be free.

So the people who slide by with an adjustable moral code, and who of us doesn’t from time to time, so the people with the "situational ethics" who have no intention of ever being held accountable are made free if God doesn’t show his hairy face. Nobody to judge me means I can do anything I want that ain’t illegal, and if I get myself a sharp lawyer I can even kill people. With a clear conscience.

So we are in conflict. Those of us who have chosen to behave, or try our best to behave, by a code of conduct sent to us via Moses (another asshole) with an accompanying threat of going to a real bad place when we die if we don’t adhere to this code, vs people who need to reject any and all feelings of guilt for what they do. The people to whom “anything goes if you don' get caught” have lined up against the people who say things that don’t pass the Ten Commandments test are guilty and will end up in Hell, and have the chutzpah to sing about it. To celebrate it.

Singing and praying about Jesus, baby or adult, is a violation of my Right to Privacy.

Right now the people who fear the existence of God are winning. They are winning because the rest of us are allowing them to win. We don’t see that we are being tested. The questions on this test include: Are we going to give up making the last buck in order to make time to proclaim our faith, or are we going to lay down, make more money and lose? Are we going to lay down and deny our children the right to proclaim a code of conduct sent to us from God? Or do we just lay down and eat our dog meal?

Do we allow a bunch of “secularists” to tell us that shopping for gifts is bad? Fuck them. We know that the giving of gifts at Christmas is a time when we are empowered to give without expecting something in return. When we allow Santa Claus to give presents to a four year old, that kid can toss it, love it, or tolerate it without having to feel guilty for not liking it, nor does the kid have to be kiss ass grateful to somebody for giving it. The kid never has to say thank you. We never expect the kid to kiss us for Santa’s gift. Did the Wise Men expect the baby Jesus to jump from his crib and kiss them? No. Jesus just laid there and they were happy with that. It's interesting to note that these same people want to ban Santa Claus. They know he represents both the anonymous giver and the receiver who doesn't have to acknowledge the gift. Santa is very spiritual, something the Left secularists know and we have forgotten.

Christmas is the time of year we learn and re-learn what true giving, and receiving, really means. It’s an important time of year. Really important. We have to stand up and fight for that most spiritual of seasons. We cannot lay around and say that is God’s job to handle things.

This Christmas is the wake up call. Hello.


Anonymous said...

Amen, Howard. Merry Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

Every once in a while somebody comes along and tells the truth. Good job, Howard

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that some one has the courage to state the thoughts that many are afraid to bring to the surface of their souls. Perhaps the world can be a better place.

Anonymous said...

I am saddened by what I read, but I know that there are people out there that believe this nonsense. I am not righteous or "holier than thou." But, Someone died for my sins, was buried, and rose again. Because I believe that, I will go to Heaven.