
While the press trumpets the stories that American Troops are deserting and going AWOL or refusing to go back to Iraq, Blackfive prints this letter from a Mom in transit over Christmas. Don't hold your breath for MSM to tell you about it.

I am a frequent reader and occasional commenter to your site. I just wanted to relate a story that happened this weekend. I was in New Orleans on Christmas Day, trying to put children on a flight to visit relatives. However, the weather was unusually severe for New Orleans...snow and ice. The airport and the city pretty much shut down. While my husband was in line trying to reschedule the children's flights, my youngest stepson and I noticed a group of soldiers clustered around a payphone, apparently trying to reschedule their flights. We walked over to tell them "Thank you" for serving our country. I also told them that I wasn't flying, but that if I was, I would give up my ticket to them so that they could get home for Christmas. The soldiers smiled, but one of them spoke up, "Thank you ma'am. But we've already been home and now we're fighting to get BACK to Iraq." I was moved to tears...all these travellers, frazzled and exhausted, are just trying to get to their families. And here are these brave, brave men working to make travel arrangements to LEAVE their families so that all these other families can be together safely and in peace. God Bless all our military men and women. Y'all are the greatest!!!