
CAUTION: I linked to a new site called counterterrism blog that seems more like a series of self promotions and Washington Post puff than what Diplomad says it is. Added to that they want a registration that is as intrusive as anything you will find anywhere. I lied, naturally. I hope you lie too. I'm a thirty something woman who runs a corporation with 10,000 employees. Top that one.

Diplo has an interesting piece up today:

no outpouring of support in most of the world's countries. The oil-rich Arabs? Where are they? But most frustrating and even angering is the lack of concern exhibited by average and elite members of the societies most directly affected. This was driven home in the course of an interminable meeting a few days ago discussing some silly resolution or another calling on the UN to appoint a "Special Representative for Tsunami Relief." A relatively senior Sri Lankan official leaned over and said to me, "Why do we want to bother with this? We all know you Americans will do everything."
This touches on the increasing liklihood that the U.S. will be almost alone in contributing. Think the Muslims will suddenly like us? Handouts only make the people on the receiving end hate the giver more.

Speaking of hate, the Democrats are dying for sure when you see the lengths to which they are going. This link from Terps/Schutz urges all Dems to shop only at stores that contributed heavily to the Democrats and to boycott stores that contributed to Republicans. The party is in the vortex of a black hole, rapidly disappearing til all that will remain is a dot.