
I have linked to some faith based sites on the left. I just read the following at From The Morning. The Minister who blogs gets into a cab;

ME: "Hi. Can you get me to Union Station in 5 minutes?"
CABBIE: "Sure, I take lower Wacker."
ME: "Great, thanks."
CABBIE: (Something about not being able to take Wacker the entire way.)
ME: "Hmm..."
CABBIE: "Ever since nine-eleven dey are afraid Muslims will blow dat place up."
ME: "Hmm..."
CABBIE: [stops, lays on horn, navigates around a van that is blocking the road]
CABBIE: [angry by van blocking a lane] "Dat Mudder F*cker!"
ME: [Laughing]
CABBIE: "I'm no Muslim though, I am Christian!"
ME: [intrigued] Really?
The good Minister has a good site.