
This link from the always informative Rosenblog is too priceless to ignore. All italics, bold, and parenthetical comments are mine.

Residents of Alameda and San Francisco counties show the greatest need for mental health services in the state, according to a report released by four UC Berkeley professors last week (and don't you know these socialist scum will find needs for tax dollars).

Alameda and San Francisco counties ranked lowest in the state, receiving a score of 3 on a 1 to 10 scale devised to test overall well-being. Questions included limitations on activity or work due to emotional problems, sadness, (fucking sadness????) anxiety, binge drinking (this covers every college kid at Berkeley) and perceived need for mental health services.

The two counties had a high proportion of residents experiencing significant emotional problems. (Which has to include the four Berkeley profs)
Read the whole story, which should be sub-titled "Grant Fishing."