Notes on a Zig Zag paper:
Vioxx sales to resume and that is great news for many people in continuing pain 24 hours a day. Speaking for myself only, when I was almost crazy with pain Vioxx was the only thing that worked, not completely but it made the pain tolerable. I don't give a fuck about heart attacks.
Some Liberals are intellectually honest even though they are drowned out by the totally Left MSM. Many are now asking if the war in Iraq wasn't a good idea after all. It takes some guts to climb down from a position that is 100% wrong.
The alliance between Iran and Syria, which in effect gives terrorism State sponsorship, means zero. Ask yourselves this one: if we bombed both countries back to the stone age do you think the terrorism would stop? I still say we face a revolution fueled by an Idea. Freedom is one antidote but we all need to take a serious look at the appeal of the Muslim religion. A billion people ain't exactly a minority.
My friend and the FBI continued. He has a BG as an explosives expert. He was one of those nut cases who used to crawl into the tunnels in VietNam and find bombs, figure out the system, and then defuse them. He really knows his shit. He overheard a conversation in a coffee shop off Wilshire Bl. between three guys that was really scary to him. Under discussion were various detonating systems and how to mask them. He thinks they're up to something. And they weren't discussing a film project. He phoned the local FBI office from a pay phone. They still wanted his name and address after listening. He hung up. He says at least his conscience is clear if something happens.
Those of us living in SoCal know all about the pro-terrorist UC Irvine, their guarantee of hate speech and actions, the endorsement by the LA Times of Muslim activism---read anti-Semitism and pro Terrorist activity---, and the ability of Muslim groups to shape UC Irvine policy. For those of you who either don't know or might like to, Front Page lays it out there. UC Irvine is far from alone as now UCLA is "encouraging diversity" as long as it is anti_Semitic.
Kim duToit has some very sad news. Those of you who are regulars to his site need to go there.
Terror News: while everyone prattles about cutting off the financing of terrorism, the White House has left the Treasury agency designed to do the job empty for a year and a half. Think: nobody is watching the financing of Zarqawi, al Qaeda, Iran, etc. etc. I still wonder about Bush who still seems to be one of the worst managers ever. (Link: Counterterrism blog, a must read once per week. They have everything)
Campus Radicalism Hate Americanism will be found here, at Common Sense and Wonder. A play, starring a very unattractive Left Wing actress nobody has ever heard of in a play that targets Laura Bush, is factually incorrect, but that never stops the Left. The Boy Scouts are barred from campus, natch