
Markets the dollar has broken to the upside on every kind of indicator but must still break 8550 to change trend. We will see if Greenspan has really pulled back on the money supply then.

Blogger is so bad it is not usable any more. I originally posted this at 7AM LATE ADD: Once again, Blogger took 90 minutes to allow me access--------the real key to the dollar is the Euro falling below 127, right now it's around 129 down from 138 a few months ago. Many writers now think the money supply is having an effect, but there is also awareness that the EU conomy is a shambles and that the U.S. is the only game in town. Once rates cease to rise, many feel this will be June of this year, we may see the 10% plus unemployment in Europe begin to drag their economies down. They have a big problem with Muslim immigrants who can't get work and can't get on welfare, a further problem with their labor unions and farmers that cannot be resolved easily, and the corruption of the political class.