OK, I'll talk about it. While everyone is in deep focus on Harvard and Larry Summers, there is bigger news---and scandal---in Northern California at a place called University of California at Santa Cruz. The have hired a lesbian---feminist, natch---named Denice Denton to be the new chancellor. Denton then created a brand new job, meaning that there was no job opening anywhere before Denton created it, for her lesbian girl friend----partner---Gretchen Kalonji. It gets better, Gretchen will be paid $192,000 per year for a job that didn't exist til Denton arrived. In addition, they gave Kalonji another $50,000 for moving expenses, all paid for by taxpayers in a state where education is in crises. See fawning feminist article HERE. In order to settle the outrage the hiring of her girlfriend prompted among employees who had been told that they could not get raises because there was no money, Denton kissed labor's ass and settled all wage demands in favor of the union. So they stopped complaining. Denton will be paid $275,000 per year; ($6,000 more than the last chancellor) there is no record of moving expenses. This happy lesbo family will earn half a million dollars per year PLUS health care, all on the taxpayers. No figures are in on what the pay raise to employees will cost the taxpayers; no news if Indian Gaming revenues can cover the tab. Liberals rule. Rich liberals rule even better. And education, what's that?