
A "Singin' in the Rain" moment has arrived in Hollywood/Berlin/Hong Kong once again. The plot of "Singin' etc." had a lot to do with movie stars of the silent era falling on their horrid voices when sound arrived. The appearance of HDTV, which has the effect of holding a very large magnifying glass up to every actors face, means that every facial flaw on every slutty actress will explode onto the screen in all its microscopic misshapeness. Pimples will look like exploding volcanos of pus, moles will look like giant bugs, and....well you get my drift. I was an actor for twenty years and have been on many shoots where quite unattractive women looked great on camera. Not any more. Flawed men will sprout beards but women are going to have one very serious problem. There will be a changing of the guard in vaginaville. Older actresses---over 26---can forget it. If you think makeup will solve it, think again. HDTV simply amplifies the makeup. There may be a computerized filmography that can be used cheaply, but I know a guy who has made his living using his computer to take up to twenty pounds off of rock stars in music videos who tells me that trying the same thing in a 90 minute plus movie could cost as much as a couple of million dollars. Makes me glad I'm a professional automobile location adjuster at a restaurant. BTW, I've known quite a few porn actresses???? and none of them, like none, will be able to look good with real HDTV. One of the reasons they are in porn and not real movies is that they are not nearly as good looking as they seem on video tape or 35MM with dim lighting.