
Terri Schavio----and what's my opinion? And this is my last posting on the matter. I am a total right to die guy. I have been clear about preferences for myself for twenty years----I prefer heroin or cocaine overdoses, or having my brain sucked out through my penis---and have signed many documents over the years. I wouldn't put my family through the misery I have seen in my own extended family when life was "extended" far beyond what I would consider a decent life for myself.

This particular case is a family feud gone wild over a comatose woman who has never expressed an opinion to anyone about the subject of right to life in her life, which seems nearly impossible when one thinks about it. Never a word or opinion about abortion? Never a remark when she has seen really sick or dying people? If true, she would have had to have been a near moron.

I'm one of those who thinks "God works in mysterious ways" types who believes that events like this happen so we can really take a look at what we are doing to one another. Life support in general has been invented and improved by us since time began and is now at the point where we can be kept alive for a hundred years past initial hospitalization if somebody wants to do it.

This "debate" has brought to the fore the potential public expense of "Right to Life" when taken to extremes, as well as the really cruel way we "let people die" when we pull the plug. My own personal preference would be a quick death. As far as Schavio goes, unless this is a criminal matter---a real possibility---I'd let her die once she hit the "vegetable" category.