
There is a book climbing the NYT Best Seller list called Confessions of an Economic Hit Man written by John Perkins [not the John M Perkins of weird shit fame]. If true, and this is a huge IF, it could really blow the lid off this country and our processes. It is summarized HERE and it is well worth your time. I find it very hard to believe, and it sounds just too cute for words----he was seduced by drugs, sex, and money----with all the usual bullshit, but the story he tells sounds a lot like The Diplomad's ramblings about the UN and NGO assholes during the Tsunami stuff. You might want to check out this long summary because it's going to be THE Left Wing topic starting next week. And even Left Wingers can be correct once in a while---like they spotted the Nazis for what they really were right after they took Paris---and this could be one of those times.