
There's a "blog" called Le Monde Watch that you need to read once, and only once, to get the French hate for America. One little comment that is repeated more than once refers to "correct" soldiers as opposed to us American slobs:

The city was ready to move from a frozen present tense into the American optative mood, and when the GIs were allowed to arrive on Aug. 26 the welcome was so joyous that they quickly became rather choosy about whose embraces they sought, preferring the prettier girls. Jean Genet contempuously described them as big-toothed costumed civilians, and indeed they did not resemble the "correct" — the word that is always used — stiff-backed German occupants.
So style is so much more important for these clowns than substance like slaughtering Jews and stuff.
Parisians, for the most part, don't think a lot about high-minded ideas, these having been resolved by the heavy thinkers memorized in the lycée. Americans trumpet moral views and find them, especially to their cost today, hard to enact. Americans want to do the right thing, not realizing it can be plural. Parisians want to do things the right way; that is, with precision and style
They even hate us for D Day because we bombed them after the Germans left
On June 19, while one person from Mayenne complained about the D-Day commmorations going overboard (due to the "immense suffering" brought about by the landings), a woman who had moved to Normandy earlier in life wrote to whine about how Normans had suffered during the battle, because of… the Allies (!), and how, even today, they are humiliated, have to swallow their pride, and obey the rules of unwritten censorship. Listen to Anne Potier describe how the Normans suffered because of "the destruction"…

In Normandy, one speaks of the [allied] bombings as if they had taken place yesterday. One dares not live. We have still not started to breathe again. Saint-Lô, Caen, destroyed like Dresden and for nothing, the Germans having already left the cities
I don't think things are going to change very quickly regarding the French and their hatred towards us. Original wake up via No Pasaran.