

These guys need money---take a look because most of you will send them some. Be sure you go HERE. This a real billboard in LA paid for by an American Company; North Carolina legislature passes a law granting illegals lower tuition at State Colleges is HERE; and then there is this as "Free??? Republic bans all speech opposing illegal immigration.

Members and readers of Free Republic would be surprised to know that many members of their community have fallen silent on the discussions about illegal immigration lately because free speech is an illusion on FR.com. They are silent because they have been banned from the Web site without warning, cause, or explanation in most cases. For weeks the moderators have been suspending and banning new members that chimed in quickly on the immigration debates.

Now this trend has broadened as the first groups of long-term users were suspended or banned this past week. Although Robinson and his staff removed many members of the Free Republic community in the first few days of the purge, those that religiously support President Bush’s immigration plan, open borders and approve of public benefits for illegal aliens remain on the forum. Those that were banned were the members that wanted more done to control illegal immigration and a strict observance to the President’s Oath of Office.
Like I said, it's worth a look. BTW: for some sanity on race be sure you read the Sowell piece in the WSJ