
Notes on a Zig Zag paper: Let's all get together and thank Glenn Reynolds for posting a link to hard core porn so all our kids can become "enlightened." What an asshole. Now we have to block InstaPundit.

Iraqis marching in the streets protesting U.S. "occupation." No surprise. In the honor/shame dialectic of all Muslim countries, our presence there shames them and sullies their "honor." I have posted many times here on both the honor/shame dialectic and the power/challenge process in the Middle East. Add to that the natural resentment that grips everyone taking help or charity. Nothing is more shameful than being helpless when you know you should be standing on your own feet. Don't look for Iraq to praise us when we leave.

Once again the bloggers
have called attention to the dishonesty of the MSM through our exposure of their awards system. The Pulitzers are a total political scam. Not just because Claudia has been denied---and Heather MacDonald---but the AP photos are also a fraud. Now we all know. As for the CBS camera/terrorist read Mudville, Roger Simon who links, and Chris Muir who draws. Power Line has a long piece on the "staged" killing.

Good roundup on Iran and their abandonment of Nuclear research, HERE. At least that's how the Euro-weenies see it. Will anyone ever believe our intel again? It'll be a long long time.

I have pulled Jerry Brown from my referrals. He never posts, so what's the point.

Add on to my view of Sin City....

Both Left and Right wing movie reviewers think the movie, Sin City, is simply too low to recommend. Violence for its own sake, blah blah blah. At least many seem to think a movie should aim higher than just killing and rape. I ask, "Why?" I think movies should have some really good rape scenes, dismembering scenes, and woman beating scenes, combined with truly bad dialogue so you know they're only pretending. That's what true art is. And by that definition this is great art, great because there are ton of vicious lesbians too.
I walked out after about an hour because the movie was all style...the babes are the best in any movie I've seen in years...and the presentation of the story is brand new. AND it was great to see Micky Rourke once again in great form. It's also a movie that aspiring producer/writer/directors should see. The form, which is almost animation, or mixed animation, removes reality from the movie. The result is that all the dialogue is stream of subconscious, meaning the people are saying exactly what they really mean without any pretense. Like a man never does the "Hey baby, you look cute," when he really means "I want to fuck you right now." He just walks up to the chick and says, I want to fuck you right now. It's very interesting from that standpoint. I liked it til it ran completely out of gas. Should you take your little kiddies to see it? No; but encourage any teens you have who may be interested in visual arts to see it.