
The Pope is dead, and what is my reaction? He was in his dotage, unable to function properly, unable to run the Church, and ethically crippled long before yesterday. The mechanism of the Vatican is too outdated to talk about. He was a great man til about 1995, and he's still hiding Cardinal Law inside the Vatican where he is safe from American Law Enforcement. Think his successor will turn him over? Did Hitler attend temple?

Before his decline, his actions, his speeches, and his evangelizing were amazing. There is no doubt that in his prime he was a great man. A terrific eulogy for him comes from Larry Kudlow. Take a look.

And thank God CBS televised the basketball games instead of droning on about a dead man. Although Michigan State did look sort of dead. Michelle Malkin reveals her demands for orthodoxy from everyone, or else she will brand them as spirtually bankrupt HERE. Michelle is good, but she is a right wing extremist as a reading of the link will attest. A Christian Taliban. Conform to her way of thinking or no sex for three days.