
DeLay, my POV: He's done stuff that is arrogant, close to the legal line in the same way plenty of the corporate criminals of the past several years have come close, and way over the morality line I would like to see our politicians toe. Having said all that, it looks like he played a weak hand as well as it can be played. He bought time with ethics rules changes. He used this time to dig up all the similar activities---and some dirt???---by Democrats. Once he had the goods he let the ethics committee open the investigation under the old rules. What will happen? Nothing, because a ton of Democrats have done exactly the same thing. In a perfect world they should all be shitcanned, but it will take a revolution to throw these unethical pricks out. Our choice may be crooked Democrats or crooked Republicans. That's why the young ain't voting.

FleeancĂ© watch: under Shria Law the runaway bride would either be buried up to her neck in an ant hill while the guys from the hood threw rocks at her head, OR she'd be gang raped by the entire male population of Deluth. Under our system she gets a TV series and a millionaire husband. From her wide eyed deer in the headlights pix of her I'd say a gang rape might be good for her, assuming the gang could get their collective appendagë up for her, not an easy task.