
George Voinovich is mentally disturbed, probably unfit to serve in Congress. Here's part of an interview over at Radio Blogger.

HH: John Podhoretz, your reaction to that little bit of drama.

JP: Cuckoo. I hadn't heard that. I am beyond belief, except for this one thing that cannot be stated too many times. In 1995, George Voinovich, when he was governor of Ohio, he was at the Cleveland airport. The President of the United States was in Cleveland, so there was a no-fly zone declared for the airport. And he insisted that his pilot take off, his personal pilot take off, despite the fact that there was a no-fly zone declared. And he got on the phone with the air traffic controller and said, what are you going to do? Shoot me down?

HH: I didn't know that story.

JP: As a result of that, in 1995, the Federal Aviation Administration fined George Voinovich $20,000 dollars for interfering with the good agency and, you know, the good order of the American aviation system. And for that man to claim that any other human being does not have the temperament to serve in a senior job, when he behaved that way...

HH: I didn't know that. We're out of time. It's the Hugh Hewitt Show.