
I guess we file this under: Rules? We don't need no stinking rules.
The circulation challenged Los Angeles Times has no intention of reporting anything straight. Link HERE for details on their latest Stalin-Hetzpropaganda scoop. They know they will be exposed, but they do it anyway. Rich liberals don't care about their jobs. This is not fresh news, everybody is commenting.

More rules: many are taking the gutless Republicans to task for changing the filibuster rule rather than fight every filibuster to the death by calling for a quorum every few minutes when Democrats slumber thus keeping all these ugly old ladies and tottering old men awake for days at a time. OK. But my understanding is that Dems plan endless filibusters over every candidate and every issue. Their plan was to fulibuster til they got tired, let the nomination or bill go to the floor, and then filibuster the next one. I think the GOP senators are just as old and have just as many ugly old ladies as do the Dems. It's a cinch that a sixty hour filibuster would kill Byrd, probably Kennedy, and a lot of others. How many? It is impossible to find the ages of each senator. The news is totally blacked out.