

After you've read (or while you're reading) the NYT piece by James Bennett (Link via Drudge) which you will find "oh so intelligent" like in "rilly rilly smart;" ask yourself why the writer is just as puzzled as any Left Wing "secular" Liberal can be ---or should I define Bennett as a Godless situational ethics guy---anyway he just "can't unnerstan' it." Those insurgents aren't fighting for anything. They are just adrift. If they had a real progressive like Che Gueverra or Barbara Boxer leading them the Left would understand the necessity for killing every American they can.

Those of us not in the grip of the cafeteria ethics---a little of this, a smidgen of that, no, no, none of that---of the American Left know exactly what is going on. God is going on. A bunch of people with a clearly defined set of what is right and what is wrong have decided that anybody who isn't a "good Muslim" should die. It is not only OK to kill them, it is a duty. That means people who lend money should die, people who marry for love must die, women who don't cover their heads must die; in short everybody who doesn't follow the hard line of Muslim orthodoxy must shape up or die.

The goal that Bennett can't see is one of Koranic dogma.

The Koran, termed glorious and wonderful (50:1; 72:1), describes itself as a healing and mercy, as light and guidance from God (17:82; 27:77; 41:44; 42:52), as the absolute Truth (69:51), and as a perspicuous Book sent down from heaven in Arabic (12:1-2), part by part (17:106; 25:32), upon Muhammad. Presented as a blessed reminder and an admonition to people everywhere (21:50; 38:87; 80:11-15), it calls for grateful recognition of the many signs, around us and in us (51:20-21), of the goodness of him from whom all good comes (4:79) and urges a total commitment to him who alone is God (112:1-4) Emphasis is mine.
The Koranic dogma extending into every part of every life is their goal. The Taliban did not give a dam about making money, making people "happy," providing jobs, or anything else other than the spiritual life they had defined. Business is obscene, making money is obscene, sex, other than what they approve, is vile. It is clear to all who study this "religion" that they regard innovation of any kind a sin.
"Beware of matters newly begun, for every matter newly begun is innovation, every innovation is misguidance, and every misguidance is in hell."
To die while fighting the evils of the innovative West is a sure ticket to paradise.(1)

People like Bennett can't see it. You beat "people like this" (Muslims) with people who have equal beliefs in something else who are willing and able kill them all and die for what they believe in. Do you really see the current crop of Liberals around the world believing in anything? Willing to die for anything at all?

The last guy to die for good old Harvard was one of the carpenters who built the original buildings. Those days are gone forever.

1. The concepts of innovation are not that simple. There is innovation that is good for Allah as well as the other kind. This logical circumlocution on the subject is laid out pretty well here, a verbatum transcription of a speech by an Imam in Britain.