
The latest media spin regarding the "Muslim Rage" over the Newsweek "reporting" that accused our military of flushing a Koran down a toilet ought to make you vomit further. The new spin would have us all believe that Muslims regard the Koran as God himself. Not a book. So this is why blah blah blah........

Once again, the media is wrong. The only time the Koran takes on this...

.....aura of Holiness is "When it becomes the sound of Islam. When recited, a holy atmosphere is created, an atmosphere involving God, the world, the truth and peace. During the moment of reciting, the compound becomes sacred, and the moment powerful.
Other than those times, the Koran is a book. So Newsweek pissed off gangs who could be counted on to make trouble over such insignificance as an incorrectly stitched burka.

I think what lots of us are doing right now is acting out our disgust and anger over the vomit inducing display put on by the White Louse Press Corps when they rudely grilled press secretary Scott McClellan as if he were a criminal.

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