

The British loss of Singapore in early 1942 is regarded as the worst defeat in British Military History. 65,000 Japanese rolled over 100,000 British troops in less than 55 days. They began by destroying the entire British Air Force in one day and sunk the two largest British ships, battleship Prince of Wales and battle cruiser Repulse, on a single December morning in 1941. Singapore was left without air cover or protection from the sea in a single day of combat.

These two events are largely blamed on the racism of the British aristocracy in charge of the army who regarded the “little yellow bastards” as incapable of fighting, unable to manufacture modern war weapons, and stupid. They believed that the Japanese hadn't beaten anyone but the Chinese and the Chinese were another yellow race that couldn't fight either. The incapable little yellow Japanese military force did something nearly impossible. Churchill explained: "The whole operation seems incredible: 550 miles in 55 days – forced back by a small Japanese army of only two divisions, riding stolen bicycles and without artillery support."

This Japanese army on stolen bicycles killed everyone who tried to surrender, tossed gasoline on surrendering soldiers and set them on fire, chopped off limbs of wounded Brits, and shot surrendering soldiers by the hundreds. Not a single Brit on the road to Singapore was allowed to surrender. There was a traitor who gave the Japanese the Brit positions, but other than that the Japanese just marched through a huge and better armed British Army. Once in Singapore they slaughtered civilians, much as they had done in the Rape of Nanking, and sent all Brit soldiers captured after the surrender to sadistically brutal prison camps in Asia where 75% of them died of disease or starved to death. Many accounts state that the Brit army left the civilians of Singapore to fend for themselves when they ran away.

Why did this huge Brit Army just lay down without really fighting? James Clavell, the great writer of such books and movies as King Rat, Shogun, Taipai, The Fly and a ton of others told me a story at a lunch back in 1965 or thereabouts. Clavell had been captured in Singapore and spent the war in what is considered the worst prison camp ever, a place called Changi, where the guys ate rice loaded with maggots and died of the resulting disease or starved to death. The death rate at Changi was near 80%. There were nights that guards used to shoot prisoners in the stomach just for sport and watch them die. Clavell prticularly hated "Bridge over the River Kwai" the Hollywood glamorization of Japanese forced labor building the railroad bridge: 160,000 natives and 16,000 Brit prisoners died while building it. He was quite angry as he told me about it. See here

Clavell told me that long before the Japanese attacked Singapore, the grunts came to hate their upper class aristocratic officers with a passion. The upper class abuse was everywhere. The officers used to walk down a street and force enlisted ranks into the gutters and then berate them for getting mud on their boots. Sometimes the enlisted ranks were hit with riding crops for failing to yield. Barracks inspections never failed to produce at least one humiliating rap across the face with a riding crop and a spittle spraying lecture into the face of an enlisted man. The enlisted men’s clubs were continually deprived of beer for the slightest reason, movies were shut down in the middle to “teach them a lesson,” and radios were frequently confiscated and kept by the officers. The Officer Corps was the aristocratic elite from Sandhurst who made sure that the inferior classes knew their proper place. The men spent each and every day cursing their officers and plotting against them. When the attack started most hoped they’d have a chance to shoot one of the upper class snobs before killing a Japanese. Clavell told me that it was the morale of the troops that lost the battle of Singapore, not the Japanese who after all possessed primitive rifles, rode around on stolen bicycles, and had no artillery at all. “We really didn’t care if they took the city or not”, Clavell told me. We were lower class; the officers were upper class; and we just didn’t want to fight for those officers."

In war, morale is everything.

I made the observation here many times that the MSM is attempting, successfully I’m afraid, to damage morale in our military enlisted ranks as much as possible. The reason for this tactic is to destroy our military capability and thus end the “war mongering” of a country they have come to hate: The United States of America. The battle of Singapore is what they hope to see and what they think they already saw in Viet Nam. They enjoy the killing of American servicemen and women and seek to cause more. They try to "feed" media every tale of “cruelty” perpetrated by our military, blame every killing of every “baby” on the baby killing U.S. troops, and to inflate wherever possible the civilian casualties and blame them all on our military. The New York Times, LA Times, TV Network News, and virtually every media joins in the sliming. All show pictures that fit the stereotype they are trying to sell to the American people. Destroy morale=destroy the army; enlistments will fall; the army will implode.

The agents in this war on the military include the ACLU, the Communist Party USA, the university faculties, many factions within the Democratic Party, and all media.

I have also pointed out HERE that the NEW Communism on the Left has tossed out the old Marxist mantras and now holds that the reason for the backwardness of the Third World is that the U.S. has caused the poverty SO that we could get rich, and since the American working class participates and profits from this policy the workers have become an enemy as a part of the ruling class. Everything is our fault. The media echos this POV on a daily basis. The universities teach this new communism on an hourly basis and test their students on it. You can go here for one example of thousands.

The purpose of the Left is now exactly what it has always been: Socialism, disarmament, and ultimately the abolishment the State itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. They seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal—a direct quote from the founder of the ACLU, Roger Baldwin. Note that disarmament means the destruction of the army. Note also that the ACLU is a part of the crusade.

Their purpose is the breaking down of the morale of our enlisted ranks by continually accusing them of awful deeds, taking down welcome home signs put up by parents, booing them on college campuses, and degrading them at every opportunity. Make them feel really bad about themselves so they will quit. They seek to make the army look so bad that young men will not want to join. To top it off they make sure that the troops see network news every night.

It could work. Breaking morale worked in Viet Nam and Singapore.