

I'm going to try to summarize here but the gist of the argument is that the Democrats killed the Republicans in the white-non Christian part of the electorate 66% to 33%.

When you take an actual poll of likely voters, the difference is bigger: 70% to 30% in favor of the Dems. The Democrats are using new polls that show a white Christian coalition versus a non-white and / or non-Christian coalition. It clearly shows that the non-white/non Christian group is gowing in numbers. The white Christian group shrinking. In other words the Non White/ Non Christian voting group is about to become the dominant group.

The GOP is winning 60% of a group that is shrinking by the day in terms of the percentage of the voting population. On the other hand the Democrats are winning a huge 70% of the non-Christian (secular-Atheist) part of the electorate. Worse, the white-Christian under 40 group is dropping in numbers by an astonishing degree.

Almost 60% of Democratic voters are non-white and / or non-Christian. By comparison, less than 25% of Republican voters fit that description. That is a shocking difference in diversity.
Another thing the Deaniacs are looking at is the literal eradication of the Christian religion. This is aided by the ACLU stomping on all Christian expressions everywhere--Christmas, Easter, displays of the cross, etc.---and the child abuse scandals within the Catholic Church.
According to the American Religious Identification Survey study by CUNY, in 1990, 24.215 million adult Americans were estimated to be in the "non-Christian" group. In 2001, 48.467 million adult Americans were estimated to be in this group. Not only did this group double in size over that eleven-year period, it actually represented 75% of the total increase in the adult population over those eleven years. And I repeat: Kerry won 86% of the new voters in this demographic in 2004.
In case you don't read Hugh Hewitt go HERE. I think this is exactly what the Democrats want and what Bush is allowing to happen. This post rings true to me and I think we are about to see the end of the GOP because whites and Christians combined are about to become a minority. A detailed breakdown can be found at this site.

DEAN IS RIGHT AND THE DEMOCRATS KNOW IT. They have now come out in support. The white-Christian coalition is toast. It's a minority to be crushed by the non-white atheist coalition. Period.