
I swear, I posted this a full 24 hours before the Journal. Canadian Health Care System court decision is going to affect us, like it or not. Summing it up, their court said that the government cannot prevent individuals from getting Health Care from anybody they chose to. Especially (gasp, scream) private doctors inside of Canada. Hillary Clinton's Health Care plot had a key provision banning private health care. This means that no matter what she and the Democrats do, they cannot ban individuals from getting their own health care. The entire decision is HERE.

The real state of Canadian Health care has been common knowledge to most of us on the Right for years, while people on the left totally believe that the Canadian system is near perfect. They believe that becuase the MSM has been preaching that Gospel for years. Maxed Out Mama links to this latest evaluation, but there have been a hundred others. For a sickening list of MSM lying praise, go to this Google link. When this Fraser Report came out a year or so ago every MSM outlet attacked it. Later, most in Canada admitted the report was truel

The Canadian decision will facilitate a national healthcare system in the U.S. that will mean the system remains the same but pretends to be something different.

As a practical matter the rich will always find a way, as will politicians and "special cases" like the cops and the military. "Special cases" will spread to include every victim group under the sun leaving us with a federally funded health care system for the lower middle class on down who will demand every esoteric medical procedure, diagnostic test, and endless hospitalization under the sun. INCLUDING private care. All on our dime of course.