
The Pain Crises: have you wondered why there are so many spam mails offering pain medication arriving in your mail box? This sounds weird but in the last six months all doctors everywhere are afraid to prescribe anything more potent than Vicodin. No matter how severe the pain, you get Vicodin. The reason? Criminal prosecution AND lawsuits by patients and their families. People in severe pain need relief. So a market has been created. Whenever a market is created, people will step in to service it. Right now I'm in extreme pain due to oral surgery and cannot get anything other than Vicodin, which has never worked for me. If I had a way to get Oxycontin right now I'd take it. I will bet you that there are tens (hundreds?) of thousands of people in extreme pain right now who are going to the Black Market for relief. That's the reality. If you are facing surgery or pain you better order the drugs over the Black Market before the procedure. Just a tip.