
Do Lesbians have sperm in their tongues and other topics.

The despicable assaults on Roberts infuriates me. If you ever in your life read the NYT again for anything, please look here and see if you believe that they are in any way trying to say he is gay. Many people on the Right---I might ask Right of who, which asylum inmate?---are slobbering all over themselves claiming the Times smeared him. I think many of the Conservative blogs are now revealing themselves for the petty paranoids many of them really are. Althouse, who has a brain that would neatly fit inside the body of a gnat and still leave room for an artist rendering, is in a tizzy and of course she is being linked to by all the usual suspects, especially the increasingly pompous Reynolds---I know, it's hard to type and look in the mirror at the same time---who may be holding his breath til he's on pay per view. From what I'm reading, it's only the unmoderated comments on the usual Left blogs that are off the wall. Today you can't find Roberts anywhere. Today, the Left is moving as one to get the conversation back to Rove and Plame, the only manufactured issue they might be able to use to "get" Bush. Just watch, the Left will surrender on Roberts in order to focus on Joe Wilson, or their version of Joe Wilson. Kos is leading the pack today. Move On Dot etc. leads off with attacking Rove and then begs for action on Roberts, Memogate (Memogate????) and Social Security. The Left sycophants in the MSM will do the same once they stop aborto-pandering to the feminist parts---why do Lesbians care about abortion? Do they have sperm in their tongues?----of their ever shrinking readership.


MaxedOutMama said...

You're right - I happened to go over to Althouse this morning and I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. This is ridiculous.

The Times might be depicting him as a "loyalist" son of a "company man", i.e. consummate proof of UC Berkeley's thesis that conservatives are afraid of change and flexibility, but Althouse's interpretation is a bit strange, IMO.

Anonymous said...

oh my god who gross is that how big can your tits grow? Ewwwwww and that fat woman i mean come on like anyone would go near her she must eat loads of crap 247 if she keeps eating like that she gonna die which i surpose is a good thing for the person taking the picture!!! EWW EWW EWW