

Had a group lunch at the beach yesterday and among the gathered were four women who have sons who are either freshmen or sophomores in high school. The second the conversation turned to the bombing in London the entire tone changed. The women exploded in anger. It is all George Bush’s fault. What are we doing in Iraq? The bombing is a direct result of our involvement in Iraq. Period. The moms all felt that their sons are going to be drafted because we are going to run out of volunteers. It was crazy and very intense. One woman said that she’d give a medal to the person who killed Bush.

While the husbands did not join in the passion, they agreed in principal. This may be representative of millions of families with sons who may be called up in a few years. And they will be joined by more and more every year. Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer are not just speaking to empty dresses.

The hysterical Left is composed of many like these moms who lashed out today.