

I wrote a detailed essay researched to the hilt and praised by no-less than super spy Herb Meyer that is HERE detailing how a terror cell is formed, expands, relates to other cells, gets what they need for an attack, and then performs it. Very long read.

I summarize, but Brit terror bombers probably started like this: a few young guys hanging out, they have coffee, go to movies, maybe go to school too. Probably play a sport together. They resent the west and share their resentment with each other. A third pal overhears and bonds over the resentment that is now turning to hate; all fueled by mullahs and imams spouting vengence in the mosques. A fourth may also join the group. At this time a member of an active cell hears about them, talks to them, and finds out how deep their hatred is. Once satisfied the other cell member puts these four guys in touch with another cell. There are now five in the original cell. Two more join and one of the new ones "knows somebody" meaning another established cell member. The talk turns to bombing and killing. A person who knows where to get explosives agrees to supply the four now frothing at the mouth young terrorists. The deal is done. There is no mastermind. There is no leadership. Just a bunch of small cells, all of which hate the west, some members of which are willing to blow up places and kill themselves.

The main fuel for this Muslim Rage is sometimes much more basic than just Muslims gone wild. Note that almost all bombers are young men, most under 25. The Muslim religion forbids sex outside of marriage. The young men can't marry anybody unless they can supply the father of the bride with a dowry. Unemployed welfare freeloaders cannot supply the dowry and so don't have sex. The western women drive them nuts, the testosterone flows, and young man violence is the only way they have to prove their masculinity. So this is as much a manhood thing as a Muslim thing. The one thing in the Brit bombings that doesn't fit is that one of the young men was married and but it looks like all were from what is called "working class" areas known for the poverty.

Bob Kaplan's book Eastward to Tartary lays out this young Muslim toughs thing very well as he describes being held up for a tithe time after time by Muslim tribal toughs.


Anonymous said...

[ In science we see that all viral strains are "self organized". They just "emerge" seemingly from nothing. Their elements of self-organization enable a complex network of viral cells (or terrorist cells) to spontaneously seek opportunities to spread and adapt in the face of adversity to form more virulent strains. Adaptation is spontaneous. Terror cells behave like viruses so that innovation emerges from the people within the cell rather than a single directing intelligence.]

I disagree. Muhammdean terrorism is not a mysterious, self-organizing process, not at all.

The important players in Musim terrorism are the the Msulim priests or mullahs or witch doctors, whatever you want to call 'em. They preach hate and radicalism to their congregations, keep an eye out for young men in their flock who are suitable recruits for Jihad missions ... and the Muslim witch doctors recruit them.

The priests/mullahs/witch doctors know how to put the new recruits in touch with a higher-up Muslim operative who has bombs or guns and knows exactly where to send the new Jihadis if they fell like going abroad to Iraq or Afganistan.

Money? Most of the Jihad finance comes from Saudi Arabia.

Muslim terrorism is a well-organized, hierarchical enterprise. This "self-organizing" bullshit is an attempt to deflect attention away from the evil Muslim religion, which is the ultimate organizer of Mulim terrorism.


Have you notived that Instapundit has been just plain wrong about some things lately? Instapundit says that CCTV security cameras are futile. Whoops, security camera video tapes helped the British polic identify the bombers.

Likewise, Instapundit has been touting outbreaks of "democracy, whiskey, sexy" in Lebanon and Iran. Unfortunately, things don't seem to be going Instapundit's way in those places.

-- david.davenport.1@netzero.com

Anonymous said...

Please excuse the bad spelling.

-- David Davenport

Howard said...

First poster is correct, I forgot the magic ingredient of the imams and mullahs feeding the flames. I have corrected the post. Also the TV reports that they came from a poverty stricken area, one that a police chief there has been warning about for at least six months.