

I asked a rhetorical question in my posting yesterday to the effect "who would want to be seen with Jane Fonda?" Well an emailer sent me the answer and it is millions will want to be seen with her. The photo above is of the massive support of the mostly CPUSA speakers at Berkeley last year. Multiply that by hundreds of college campuses and you will get the clue. The Left will be her staunch allies. I got this picture from a really scary site called MarxMail which links and links to all the usual suspects as well as people you may be surprised by. Below is a sample of the really good art supporting the intifada and advocating the extermination of the Jews. A huge reproduction of this poster can be found HERE.


Anonymous said...

I think she should get corporate sponsorship, say from Target...

Unknown said...

Howard, I read her comments as saying that the network should have showed more of the footage on the conditions. She's very patriotic and thought that her special was less than it could have been because of the lack of war footage.

Howard said...

Her "special" was a commercial for her movie. The purpose of the show was entertainment. We all know it's a war zone. We all see the results of terror bombings on TV. Mixing entertainment with "truth" never works. It drives audiences away. How would you feel about a news program that cut from bloody bodies to some dopey woman singing a song?